How to Prepare for the 3 Types of Job Interviews: Technical, Case, and Behavioral


Understanding the type of interview you’re likely to encounter can be a game-changer in your job search. By knowing what to expect, you can prepare effectively and make a lasting impression on your interviewer. In this guide, we'll explore the three most common types of interviews—technical, case, and behavioral—and provide tips on how to excel in each one.

How to Break into HR in the UK: 5 Creative Steps

 So, you want to get into HR in the UK? Welcome to the world of CV reviews, people management, and unlimited cups of tea (you’re going to need it). But before you can dive into writing job descriptions and solving workplace dramas, let’s talk about how you can actually land that HR job—without losing your sanity along the way.

Here are 5 steps that could help you unlock the HR gates. Spoiler alert: it’s not all about having UK experience (though it helps).

Beginning as a New HR Professional: Key Steps and Tips for Success

Starting a career in Human Resources (HR) can be both exciting and overwhelming. HR professionals play a crucial role in shaping organizational culture, managing talent, and ensuring compliance with labor laws. Here are essential steps and tips for new HR professionals to navigate their new role effectively:

How To Manage Employee Leave Requests

In the UK, all workers are legally entitled to at least 5.6 weeks (28 days for a 5-day working week) of paid annual leave. This is known as statutory leave entitlement. Employers may choose to offer additional days beyond the statutory minimum.

Are Warning Letters Effective?

Warning letters, while a necessary tool in certain circumstances, can often have unintended consequences. A more effective approach to performance management is to focus on open communication, empathy, and support.

How to Use Salaries and Benefits to Attract, Retain, and Motivate Top Talent

Salaries and benefits are among the most powerful tools for attracting, retaining, engaging, and motivating your workforce. Research from Glassdoor and Harvard Business Review reveals that 75% of job applicants consider benefits as a key factor when accepting a job offer, and the same percentage stays with their employer due to the benefits they receive.

How to Answer "Why Should We Hire You?" in a Job Interview

Hello job seekers! Let’s talk about a common interview question that can sometimes catch you off guard: “Why should we hire you?” Here’s a quick tip—when you hear this question, try rephrasing it in your mind to, “Why should we buy you?” and answer accordingly.

The Job Candidate Thought It Was a Romantic Date: A Cautionary Tale for Interviews

Interviews can be nerve-wracking, but some recruiters and interviewers are skilled at putting candidates at ease. Their goal? To create a relaxed environment where you can perform at your best, allowing them to assess your true potential. It’s a strategy that works well—until it doesn’t

How to Leverage Your Professional Network to Land Your Next Job in 2024

One of the most efficient ways to secure a job or transition into a new role in today’s competitive job market is by building and nurturing your support network. Based on my experience, and the experiences of many HR professionals, it’s clear that your network often determines your net worth.

How to Measure Employee Performance Effectively

Measuring employee performance is crucial for maintaining a productive and motivated workforce. However, relying on subjective feelings rather than objective data can be unprofessional and counterproductive. Here's why:

How To Answer ''Can We Meet You'' By A Recruiter

When a recruiter asks, "Can we meet you?", it’s one of the most critical moments in your interview. This question is more than a simple icebreaker—it's an opportunity for you to make a strong first impression and set the tone for the rest of the conversation. Here’s how to craft a response that will leave a lasting impact:

I Missed HR Call For Interview, What Do I do?

Missing a call from HR regarding a job interview can be stressful, especially in competitive job markets where numerous candidates are vying for the same role. However, there are effective steps you can take to address the situation and improve your chances of rescheduling or re-engaging with the recruiter. Here’s what you should do:

Why Your Residential Address Matters When Seeking Employment

When applying for jobs, providing your residential address is more than just a formality. It serves several critical functions that can impact your job search and employment process. Here’s why your residential address is important and how to ensure it is accurately provided:

How Recruiters Find Candidates on LinkedIn: Tips to Optimize Your Profile

With LinkedIn becoming a primary tool for recruiters, understanding how they search for candidates can help you tailor your profile to stand out. Here's a guide to help you optimize your LinkedIn profile and increase your chances of being discovered:

Why You Should Build A Career In Tech

The technology sector is booming and presents a wealth of opportunities for new graduates and professionals alike. If you’re contemplating a career shift or looking to start fresh, here are compelling reasons why building a career in tech could be your best move:

Robots and Intelligent Algorithms Taking Over Jobs: What It Means for the Future

As technology continues to advance, the prospect of automation and artificial intelligence (AI) taking over a significant portion of jobs is becoming increasingly real. Estimates suggest that between 35% and 50% of current jobs are at risk due to automation, with both blue-collar and professional roles potentially affected. Here’s a closer look at the implications and how we might navigate this evolving landscape:

Key Points to Review Before Signing an Appointment Letter

Signing an appointment letter is a significant step in starting a new job. Your signature indicates your agreement to the terms laid out in the document, which will govern your employment relationship. To ensure that you are fully informed and protected, it’s crucial to carefully review the contents of the appointment letter. Here’s what to look out for:

People Operations: The Evolution of HR

People Operations is emerging as a transformative approach to traditional Human Resources (HR), reflecting a shift from administrative tasks to a strategic role focused on maximizing employee potential and aligning human capital with organizational goals. Here's an overview of how People Operations is reshaping the HR landscape:

Extending Employee Probation Period


Extending an employee's probation period is a delicate matter that requires thoughtful handling. Clear and compassionate communication, along with emotional intelligence, can turn this potentially challenging situation into a positive developmental experience for the employee. This approach not only supports the individual’s growth but also enhances overall organizational effectiveness.

Why I May Not Recommend A Candidate For A Job

As an HR professional, recommending candidates for positions is a significant responsibility. Personal experiences and professional judgments play a crucial role in this process. Here's a reflection on why recommending someone can be fraught with complications and why discretion and integrity are paramount.

Simple Guide To Changing Your HR From Transactional To Transformational

HR departments are evolving beyond their traditional roles of handling administrative tasks and compliance. The shift towards a more strategic and transformational approach is crucial for businesses aiming to thrive in a dynamic environment. Here’s a simple guide to transforming your HR function:

Interview Questions That Can Land Any HR In Trouble

Certain interview questions can indeed put HR professionals and organizations at risk of legal trouble. It's crucial to avoid questions that could be interpreted as discriminatory or invasive. Here’s a list of common problematic questions and the reasons why they can be problematic:

How to Effectively Sell Yourself During Interviews

When you’re asked to "introduce yourself" in an interview, it’s more than just a formality—it's a pivotal opportunity to sell yourself and stand out. Adeyemi Ajayi of Peniel Consulting provides valuable insights on how to effectively present yourself and your unique qualities. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to navigate this crucial moment:

The Rise of Digital Recruitment in Nigeria: Bridging the Gap

In Nigeria, the recruitment process is still largely manual, with digitization remaining in its nascent stages. While some organizations have taken steps toward digital transformation, many rely on traditional methods for hiring and managing their human resources. This is a stark contrast to global trends where digital recruitment has become the norm.

Understanding Your Employee Rights Under Labor Laws

Your rights as an employee

As an employee, knowing your rights is crucial to ensuring that you receive what you're entitled to from your employer. Whether you're starting a new job or have been with your employer for some time, it's important to be aware of the obligations your employer has towards you. This guide outlines key employee rights and what you should expect from your employer under labor laws.

How To Write A Winning Resume

Your resume is your first impression in the job market, and crafting a standout document is crucial for landing your dream job. With countless resumes crossing HR desks every day, it’s important that yours grabs attention for the right reasons. Here’s a guide to creating a compelling resume that can make you stand out.

HR Managers: Avoid These Mistakes When Interviewing

I often wonder why HR personnel can sometimes come across as harsh or unapproachable during interviews. Initially, I thought being tough was the right approach, but my perspective has since evolved, and I want to share this with you.

Three Things That Will Enhance Your Value At Your Workplace

To truly stand out and make a significant impact at your workplace, focus on developing and embodying these three essential qualities:

1. Self-Confidence

Self-confidence is about having a strong belief in your abilities and potential, but it’s crucial to distinguish it from arrogance or delusion. True self-confidence means recognizing your strengths and weaknesses and striving for constant self-improvement. It's about being secure in your role while being aware that growth is an ongoing process. Carry this confidence with you daily, and embrace opportunities for self-education and development. Your belief in what you can achieve fuels your drive and helps you face challenges with resilience.

Your First Week on the Job: How to Make a Great Impression

Congratulations on landing your new job! Now comes the hard part—demonstrating to your new employers that they made the right choice in hiring you.

A Twitter poll revealed that 22% of respondents didn’t last a full day at a new job, while 14% couldn’t stay beyond 10 days. Executives can often gauge within two weeks whether new hires will succeed or not. Although this is a brief window, there’s good news: much of what you need to do in that first week involves observing and listening.

What Is Garden Leave And When Should You Use It

Garden leave is a practice where an employer continues to pay an employee who is leaving the company (either because they’ve handed in their notice or had their employment terminated) but instructs them to stay away from work during their notice period. During this time, the employee is typically forbidden from contacting fellow employees, clients, or suppliers, and is denied access to company documents or emails.

Three Interview Questions That Have Proven Efficient For Me

Through my experience recruiting for various roles, from basic to mid-level positions, I’ve found that certain interview questions consistently provide deep insights into candidates' suitability for the job. These questions are effective not only in understanding the applicant’s qualifications but also in gauging their true fit for the role. Here are my top three questions:

Why You Are Not Getting Called After Applying For Jobs

If you find yourself applying for jobs but not receiving callbacks, it’s important to understand that it’s not necessarily a reflection of the HR or recruiter’s efficiency. Here’s why:

The Recruiter’s Perspective

When recruiters are tasked with filling a role, they face considerable pressure to:

  • Deliver the Best Candidate: They must find someone who fits the job requirements perfectly.
  • Ensure Longevity: They aim to recruit individuals who will stay with the company long-term.
  • Match Values and Attitude: The candidate should align with the company’s culture and values.

How To Shake Hands As A Professional

The way you shake hands might seem minor, but it speaks volumes about your professionalism, confidence, and approachability. Whether you're a business owner, professional, or investor, the first impression you make often includes your handshake. It reflects your attitude and can set the tone for future interactions.

Standing Out in a Competitive Job Market

With a million applications, a hundred thousand shortlisted candidates, and only a thousand invited for interviews, making yourself stand out is crucial. After navigating through applications and tests, demonstrating your value to a recruiter can make all the difference. Here are some powerful yet simple tips to enhance your chances of leaving a lasting impression:

1. Appear Confident

  • Smile: A genuine smile can convey friendliness and approachability.
  • Dress Smart: Your attire should be professional and appropriate for the role you’re applying for.
  • Seat Properly: Good posture reflects confidence and professionalism. (Note: I’ll cover seating etiquette in a future post.)

Pension Scheme Calculations In Nigeria, Your Employer Obligations

The significance of your pension funds for retirement and old age cannot be overstated. Many employees may underestimate the importance of monthly pension remittances, but this reflects a lack of awareness about employer obligations and retirement planning. It’s crucial to understand that failure to remit these funds into your Retirement Savings Account (RSA) is not just a minor issue—it is actually a criminal offense.

Legal Framework

The Pension Act 2014, effective from July 1, 2014, was established to govern and regulate pension funds. The 2014 Pension Reform Act (PRA) has since been introduced to refine and improve this framework.

How To Manage A Team Remotely

Managing a team remotely, whether they are spread across different locations or working from home, presents unique challenges. Unlike in-person interactions, remote leadership requires deliberate strategies to foster personal connections and ensure productivity.

“The beauty of remote work is the flexibility it offers,” says Nicole Wood, CEO and co-founder of career coaching company Ama La Vida. “However, maintaining that personal connection requires extra effort.”

Here are some key strategies to help you lead effectively and create a strong connection with your remote team:

Preparing for Modern Job Interview Questions

If you’ve been in the professional world for a while, you’re probably familiar with the usual interview questions like “What is your greatest weakness?” or “Tell me about a time you disagreed with your boss.” But as the job market evolves, so do the questions that recruiters ask.

Here are some of the newer or more refined questions you might encounter in interviews, and how you can prepare for them:

How To Speak Confidently At Meetings

One of the main challenges of not speaking confidently in meetings is that it not only impacts your ability to make a meaningful impression but can also affect how productive others perceive you to be. This could lead to missed opportunities and diminished professional presence.

How To Act During Job Interviews

 I have had the opportunity to interview applicants seeking jobs at my company for some time now, and I would like to share some of the things that, if done correctly, might have earned them a chance to meet with the Managing Director.

One thing you must keep in mind is that if you do not leave a lasting impression on your interviewer, it will be difficult for them to even call you back. You want to be remembered after the interview, right?

How To Sell A Pen At Interviews

From a graduate to an experienced professional or a seasoned salesperson, this question will be answered differently.

What's most important is to understand that you don't have to respond immediately. Take a few minutes to gather your thoughts before speaking. A salesperson knows their product well, so you should also be familiar with what you’re selling.

How To Develop A Savings Culture Plus Its Importance

Developing a savings culture is crucial for anyone with aspirations and long-term goals. Savings refers to the portion of your income or earnings that you set aside and keep untouched for a period of time. It’s important to distinguish savings from investment, as they serve different purposes. While investments come with risks and market uncertainties, savings provide a safety net to fall back on when needed.

Savings also play a critical role in managing financial challenges that come with significant life changes, such as marriage and having children. These milestones often lead to increased expenses, making it vital to have multiple income sources and a robust savings strategy.

How To Send An Application Via Email

2024, guys... You cannot keep making the same mistakes over and over again... So I want to share very simple, yet important tips when sending an application via email. Note: Please read carefully.

What led to this topic?
Last week, I was privileged to have the opportunity to recruit two new team members, and my HOD insisted that I use my official email to receive resumes. I already anticipated the number of resumes I would get, knowing fully well the rate of unemployment in Nigeria. So, I was unhappy that my email would be very busy with lots of spam.
Unfortunately, we did not currently have any HR software that shuffles CVs: How HR Shuffles CVs.

We Would Get Back To You, What This Truly Means By HR

This seems to be the most dreaded of all phrases during an interview. It has become HR jargon that often signals "The interview has ended."

Getting A Job In Nigeria, How Easy

Nigeria, with a consistent increase in the unemployment rate in recent times, has taken second place in the list of problems the country faces, apart from corruption. Statistics show that over 50% of Nigerian youths are unemployed, while a significant percentage are even underemployed. This rate rose from 23% in 2011 to 29.5% in 2013 and continues to climb.

How to Improve Your Job Application to Avoid Common Pitfalls and Increase Your Chances of Being Shortlisted."

You would agree that many times you may have applied for a position you are certain you are qualified for, yet were not shortlisted. To understand this better, imagine yourself in the HR personnel's shoes to grasp what they go through.

You work as an HR Officer and have just advertised new vacancies for your company in the newspapers. Given the current unemployment situation in Nigeria, how many applications do you think you would receive? And how do you think you can manage the thousands of CVs coming in every second?

Monster HR, A Nightmare For Job Seekers

The trend where HR personnel ask ridiculously strange questions that is totally unrelated to the job and where sometimes they become so insulting to job seekers is fast becoming a common experience at most interviews in recent times. This monster HR posing as professionals are a nightmare to job seekers.

The Importance of Proactivity in Job Searching: Why You Shouldn't Wait for a Recruiter to Call

Vicki at Monster says, “If you wait until a recruiter contacts you to help you find a job, you’re missing the boat.”

I firmly believe that productivity in life—almost everything, really—requires proactivity. This means reaching out to recruiters and company HR departments regularly. Setting up job alerts and using job-search strategies like LinkedIn and job fairs are also crucial.

The Impact of Moonlighting on the Economy and the Workplace

Multiple job holding, commonly known as moonlighting, has become a subject of significant interest for governments and labor analysts worldwide. Its implications on the economy can be both drastic and far-reaching.

Moonlighting occurs when an employee, who is under a contractual agreement with a primary employer, engages in additional work, either legally or illegally, with a secondary employer. This often means that the time the employee should be dedicating to their primary job is spent on other pursuits, which can sometimes be personal.

Three Common Mistakes Job Seekers Make

If you've been applying for jobs without hearing back from recruiters, you might be making some common mistakes. Below are three major pitfalls that could be hindering your job search success.

Building A Career In Human Resources In Nigeria

Human resources, like most career choices, requires that a person has a passion for people development and growth. Your passion for people development is crucial in human resources; without it, your drive may fade after a few months or years on the job.

What fuels your drive to help people, improve their skills, and engage the right employees is passion.

Passion means having the desire to recognize potential in people and/or helping them identify areas where they need to improve to make the most of their lives.