Monster HR, A Nightmare For Job Seekers

The trend where HR personnel ask ridiculously strange questions that is totally unrelated to the job and where sometimes they become so insulting to job seekers is fast becoming a common experience at most interviews in recent times. This monster HR posing as professionals are a nightmare to job seekers.

Here Build A Career In HR we discussed why passion is the primary requirement to becoming a HR professional without which your survival in the industry would be untimely. The contamination of this profession is basically a result of poorly trained people in the industry or people with just the wrong personalty who have found themselves on the job.
Sometimes, in fact all of the time, HR personnel should be made to go through personalty test by the body that has certified them for practice.

A situation where you are asked "What happened to your last relationship" or "If you drink alcohol" where your alcohol consumption has nothing to do with the nature of the prospective job.

In Nigeria for example, I have personally been sent out of the interview room by a supposedly experienced HR consultant who also doubles as a CEO because I refused to answer a particular personal question. I politely told him it was personal but he barked at me to leave his office. Surprise!!!.

A situation where after going through stages of interviews you are being asked "Are you sure you want this job?" Common!!!.

To put this into perspective, I will cull from a letter someone sent to us. Its a pity that such a thing happens in this industry. Find below:
"Seriously annoying, first I passed their aptitude test, then day 2 about 15 people sat to interview me.
Day 3, just 4 interviewed me. On day 4, I was told to come and meet with the HR director and the director started asking THE FOLLOWING.
He asked if I wrote the aptitude test myself and I said yes then he started asking me each question both verbal and mathematics for me to answer them verbally.
As if it wasn't enough, he asked of my background, parents, siblings, what can i say of my school?.
He asked what church I attend, do I hate Muslims... Where was my earring, why am I on natural hair.
I almost allowed my anger to betray me. He now said can I pay bribe on behalf of the company.
Can i go clubbing with staff members. If I do will i take alcohol? Am I married or engaged.
He asked where I stay, then he got angry when I said I was staying alone as a lady, that it's a stupid decision.
At the end of all the questions, I was not offered the job".
The profession makes no one superior than a job seeker. It is an opportunity to do three basic things in my opinion:

1) To empower an organization through the use of the man power planning process.
2) To impact lives and leave candidates better than they came even if they are not a best fit.
3) To do 1 and 2 without bias, without being insolent and without being judgmental.

While we recognize that the responsibilities of human resources is not encapsulated in the list above, our passion for human development and capacity should be at the forefront of our activities.

Next time we are at an interview, the following should guide our activities

a) Shortlist candidates that you would have productive time with in other to recognize real talent and skill for the needed job. One of the ways to do this is to use phone interviews to reduce the pool of candidates. Job seekers can Find Here some tips to help in their phone interviews.

b) Ask qualitative questions that are relevant to the job. Questions that probe the job seekers work history and values rather than be asking if he masturbates. Some of the almighty questions that are basic yet efficient are;
i. "Why should we hire you?".
ii. "What values do you see yourself adding to the organization if you are employed?".
iii. "What kind of person can you not work with?". This helps to probe into the candidates team-work spirit.
Other relevant intelligent and brilliant questions that could determine speed and the ability to think on their feet.

c) Take few seconds or minute to give feedback on your perception about their resumes or application. Tell them your perspective about it and some of the things that could be corrected for future use.

d) Sometimes we are unable to share information about a recruitment ramification, but at the end of the selection, if you are opportune to meet with some of the candidates, you could share with them not so sensitive information about what went wrong and some of the things that if they had done better could have earned them a place in the organization.

The HR profession is a life saving one. Save a job seeker.

Over to you guys... Kindly share till one recruiter is changed.

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