I Missed HR Call For Interview, What Do I do?

If it were an important call in the first place, you would get a call back but that is not being realistic in Nigeria where there are a thousand unemployed applicants waiting to fill the role.

Most times too, it becomes difficult when the number is a customized one and we are unable to call them back. Giving us a disconnecting tone or telling you busy from each dial.

If you missed a company's call for job or interview, here is what you should do:

If you finally get called back, read How To Act During Interviews.
1. Return the call to the number that called you immediately. If you are able to reach the HR, read no further.

2. The next most important thing to do is to call the customer service lines. The folks at the other end are obligated to resolve the issue. Customer service in recent times is basically focusing on customer experience and I am certain they will not leave you hanging.
You can either drop your profile with them or ask to be connected to the human resource department.

3. Send an email.
This is also very efficient. You may reply through the same way you applied if it was through email requesting for a call back.
Or you could send a mail to the company's HR department copying customer service.

4. Contact a referral. If you were referred. Contact the person you know ASAP.

5. As a last resort,  you may have to visit the organization. This can be very useful to both you and the interviewer as s/he has an opportunity to assess you on the spot.

Kindly note that it is not wrongful to miss calls from HR. In fact its nothing. It only becomes annoying if the calls were missed severally.

However, you may also miss the chance of being interviewed at all because it is a difficult task going backward on shortlisting when you already moved on to a more prospective and reliable applicant.

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