The Three Types Of Interview Styles With Techniques

There are basically three types of interviews and knowing the one that you are most likely to experience would put you in a position where you will not only be well prepared but you will also be able to impress your interviewer. 

The three types of interviews are:

1. Technical interviews
For positions like software engineering, web development, chemical engineering, medicine etc, this is the type of interview that you are likely to experience. You may find yourself getting into the interview and you are immediately given a board pen to solve some algorithms.

Usually, the aim here is to affirm your knowledge and skill for this position. If it is for a graduate position, you are expected to at least show some passion and also know basic things.

Questions likely to be asked are:
a. Mention as if you are speaking to a lay man the 5 basic rules of SEO
b. What is the full meaning of HTTPS?.
c. What leads to code-bloating in C++

Note: You may have to read How To Act At Interviews after understanding the type of interview you are likely to have.

2. Case interviews

This type of interview is usually experienced when you are interviewing for a consultancy position or in a consulting organization.
You are often presented with a problem and you are asked how you would solve the problem or ameliorate the challenges.

The goal is usually to test your problem solving skills and how holistic your perspective is without bias when prescribing solutions.

Questions likely to be asked are:
a. Your nephew runs a lemonade stand. Yesterday was Monday and he was open from 2pm - 5pm, and sold 2 cups. What should he do differently tomorrow? Source: McKinsey
b. How many orders on average does Jumia get daily compared to Konga?
c. How many people are likely to wear casuals to work on a Monday in Nigeria?.

3. Behavioral interviews

Behavioral interviews are the most commonly used type of interviews. This interview aims to understand your personality which is sized up within 7 seconds of meeting the interviewer and to also see how kind you are, your confidence level, your speech up-beat, your hand shake, posture, eye contact among many other things.

Questions commonly asked are:
a. Every been in a team where you were not respected as a leader, what did you do?.
b. Have you ever sold a product to a relentlessly difficult and uninterested customer before?.
c. How do you persuade people to see things from your perspective.

Understanding the type of interview you are going for is the first step to performing excellently in your interview for that dream job.

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